This newly available birding option can be arranged through Miguel at Hostel Casa Blanca, and is located at the rustic beach town of El Paraiso, about one hour from Comala.
The three hour boat ride begins by winding through a mangrove-lined canal, the branches arching overhead. Snowy Egret, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, and Green and Ringed Kingfishers abound, and more furtive species such as Purple Galinule and Limpkin feed along the canal's edge. The canal soon opens up into large estuaries that teem with birds including Brown Pelican, Neotropic Cormorant, Osprey, Snail Kite, Black-necked Stilt, Northern Jacana, and a variety of ducks.
The boat's operator or his young son can point out American Crocodiles lurking almost invisibly in the still water. Depending on your preference, the tour can include a visit to the "tortugeria" or sanctuary and production area for sea turtles, and can be topped off with a wonderful seafood lunch at one of the town's simple beach restaurants.
Cost depends upon the duration of the trip and whether you or Miguel provides transportation from Comala; however, it is usually substantially less than similar tours in other areas.